Recipe: Minty Ice CreamRaw Dairy and Cashew nut ice cream made in a Vitamix blender with fresh mint leaves.

Ingredients:1 cup raw milk or cream1 cup raw cashews
3 T clear agave nectar or light honey
1 vanilla bean, deseeded
2 pinches real salt
1 handful peppermint leaves
Place all ingredients in a high power blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into glass dish or bowl and place in freezer 4 hours or longer. Scoop out when hardened.
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Diviana Bolivian Honey in Miron Glass
I am an advocate for locally produced foods and products, but there are instances where a medicinal food is found, and must be wisely utilized for its nutritional benefits and support of trade customers in the highest of integrity. This Bolivian honey is one of those foods. I procured this honey from a source that is working closely with the farmers and has personal contacts with the source. This is one of the best honeys I have ever tasted! It is so rich in nutrients, and is completely raw, unfiltered and processed without the use of modern machinery. It is gathered miles from roads and industry, where it is brought back from the hives by pack animal. I chose to add just a few herbs and superfoods; those that compliment the honey and the region.
Passion Flower: mild sedative, calming and soothing to the system Yerba Mate: stimulating leaf herb Yacon: prebiotic root with a slight sweetness Maca: root from high in the Andes, has properties that boost energy levels, balance adrenals, and is great for the hormones.
This honey is rare and beautiful, savor in the delight of the sweet floral complexities. The texture is unbelievable, with a very fine granular structure, almost liquid, but a texture still remains.
Handpacked in an 8oz Miron Glass jar for 10floz of Diviana Bolivian Honey. $40
Diviana Bolivian Honey: $40
| Superfoods, Wild Foods, Local Foods What to Include

Superfood: Highest in minerals and vitamins, these foods are grown in rich soils and may have medicinal properties. They may be wild or cultivated, but regardless are rich in nutrients. They are generally thought of as imported specialty products, but can also be a broader spectrum of plants. I like to classify superfoods as those that invigorate the health of the body, and increase levels of nutrition. Some superfoods are cacao, maca, mesquite, noni, chlorella, spirulina, and goji berries.
Wild Food: Grown without an agricultural system in place, wild foods thrive everywhere. It is essential to know the identification of plants in your area for the gathering of wild foods. Wild foods are generally growing in soil that is rich in nutrients and full of medicinal properties. Find wild foods away from roads, agricultural run off or other polluted areas that may have soil that is high in heavy metals. Favorite wild foods are nettles, miners lettuce, chickweed, huckleberries, and various mushroom varieties.
Local Food: Grown within 100 miles of where you live, is generally considered a local food. That is a fairly large radius, most likely the foods grown here are adapted to the climate you live in. Farmers Markets are the best place for a variety of locally grown foods. The best local foods are grown by those that use no chemicals, use composting methods with rich organic materials, and preferably those that use clean water on their plants. My favorite local foods are raw dairy, berries, mixed greens, eggs and really anything in season that appeals to my nutritional needs.
Plant food can be used as cleansing material for the body, when our health needs a boost. My favorite meals that include cleansing plants are salads filled with mixed greens from the local market, some wild greens like chickweed and miners lettuce, then topped with a little citrus, some real salt, and a bit of honey and mustard. This is a great start to any spring or summer meal.
Once the body has begun cleansing out any foreign matter, superfoods can be added in to supplement the journey. I like using mesquite pod meal for the abundance of the amino acid lysine, goji berries for their immune boosting polysaccharides, and maca powder for balancing hormones and adrenals. Chlorella is an amazing superfood algae that should be included to remove heavy metals, so anyone living in a city or who rides a bike on roads would be well to give chlorella a try. Use chlorella powder or tablets on salad, in grain dishes or as a treat :) These foods are all concentrated, and rich in minerals and healthy proteins.
Buy Superfoods Here
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 Diviana Nectar Recipe
How do you use Diviana Nectar? As a fabulous travel food on its own, Diviana Nectar has a full spectrum of nutrition. Easy adjuncts to this nectar are fresh fruit, blended with smoothies or raw milk, or on your favorite breakfast breads or in oatmeal. Here is a simple recipe you can use to liven up a sweet dessert treat.
Wild Berry Diviana Nectar Dessert
Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups wild berries or blueberries 1/2 cup raw cream or fresh coconut milk 2 T Diviana Nectar, room temperature 1 cup almonds 1 cup walnuts 4-5 large dates 2 T raw butter or coconut oil 1/4 tsp real salt squeeze of lemon juice
Directions: 1. Blend 1/2 cup berries with 1 T Diviana Nectar and raw cream or coconut milk until creamy or fluffy, about 20-30 seconds. 2. Mix remaining berries with the cream. 3. In a food processor pulse the almonds and walnuts until crumbly, then add dates, 1 T Diviana Nectar, raw butter or coconut oil, salt and lemon juice then pulse until combined and sticky. 4. To serve place berry cream mixture into tall glasses, and top with a small portion of the nut cookie mix, refrigerate if desired.
Note: make fresh coconut milk by juicing 1 mature coconut, or by blending 1/4 cup coconut butter with 1/4 cup coconut water.
Diviana Nectar Sale Price: $ 13.00 MSRP: $ 16.00
Diviana Alchemy disclaimer
All information is the opinion of the owner and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice.