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Raw Pie Crust Recipe
Cookies or Crust

This is my favorite snack at the moment, and can be made into a pie crust, cookies, a crumbly sweet over cream or fruit or energy bars.
Superfood Coconut Cookies
makes about 16
2 cups coconut flakes, fine cut
1 cup favorite nuts or seeds (I like walnuts), ground
1/2 cup goji berries, ground
4 medjool dates or dried figs
2 T mesquite pod meal
1 T maca powder
1 tsp reishi extract
1 tsp shilajit
pinch cinnamon, nutmeg
pinch himalayan salt
2 T Diviana Nectar or raw honey
Grind nuts and goji berries in food processor until fine. Mix all ingredients in food processor until combined and sticking together easily between your fingers. It should look like a crumbly dough. Shape how you desire and chill 30 minutes or longer (no refrigeration needed though).
If you don't want to make these yourself, I will!!!
Buy @ my Store
5oz for $8.00
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